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Dear every Mobile developer,

I can confidently say that what we *do not want* is an app that, when your phone has locked due to inactivity, or when you have switched away and back, instead of returning you seamlessly to the context that was already there in memory immediately tries to refresh and start your transaction over.

This is what can charitably be described as "hostile UX". Google it.


do not usually when i am .
before i the and i'm looking at my 's .

Weshalb genau baut die -App auf eine Verbindung auf zu

Zoom MS-CDR70+: 149 Modulationseffekte auch fr Synths -Effekt

Ive been using Signal and I like it :)

I noticed the two check marks on my sent messages. Do they indicate the encryption and decryption status

H Die Frage nur wie beantwortet und , die bei jeder Hybrid-Inspektion einen durchfhren, ein Protokoll erstellen, dem Kunden aushndigen und zu dem Auto in Toyota-Portal hinterlegen und damit in der abrufbar ist. Wo genau, soll also da ein Problem liegen, wenn es einer der grten Autohersteller weltweit es bereits seit langer Zeit macht




The Twelve-Factor App DEU

Heute wird Software oft als geliefert - auch oder Software-As-A- genannt (). Die Zwlf-Faktoren-App ist eine Methode um -As-A-Service 's zu bauen:

bersicht der Spezialmissionen zum Community Day mit Flamiau in Pokmon GO

In Pokmon GO dreht sich heute alles um Flamiau.

Zur News:

Hay una app llamada Vimusic que es parecida a Spotify, pero su fuente de msica es Youtube y no saltan anuncios. Para el mvil es la mejor alternativa que he encontrado. La puedes instalar desde Fdroid.

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 70 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

104 ofertas de Google Play: aplicaciones y juegos gratis y con grandes descuentos por poco tiempo

Question for : this thing where you all have to improve the app and gain insights into user behaviour and diagnose crashes... Can't you just know how to design things, & use pre-release QA testers I kinda feel if I'm paying you for a product, I shouldn't be doing free labour testing it as a part of my usage. You can say you don't collect info, but I keep seeing privacy policies that farm that responsibility to analytics companies. Why should I trust them

Im still blown away by the Arc Search app. Its fantastic. It has saved me so much time when I just want to look something up real quick on my phone. If you havent tried it yet, I highly recommend it.

On the TikTok ban idea.

The thing is that those that want to ban TikTok and those that don't are wrong and for the wrong reasons.

The fundamental issue that must be addressed and banned is the unwarranted and unnecessary gathering and commoditization of user data.

The corollary issue that must be addressed and banned is the "advertisement as a business model" in the use of products and services, not only in Apps but in other products.

That China may or may not gather and use customer data is an issue but it only illustrates the larger and more dangerous issue of user and consumer privacy.

slightly spooky telegram / messenger .

... gibt's da auch eine fr Sowas wie fr oder fr

New app added to the Accessible Android apps directory: Legere Reader accessible

Hi all, Friday afternoon question: do you know a nifty app that optimises physical meeting location against multiple participants' departure location and transport mode options, for factors like climate impact, cost

Would be so handy.

Microsoft Teams per account personali e aziendali in ununica app.
Nell'ultima versione insider di Windows 11, Microsoft ha annunciato una versione unificata di Microsoft Teams account personali e aziendali in un'unica app

Methane leaks in the US are worse than we thought

Handala Hack, a pro-Palestinian hacktivist group, claims to have breached the Viber instant messaging service.

Your fresh order of Friday sketches is here!


Ein Fitness Tracker, der deine Privatsphre achtet. FitoTrack ist eine App zum Aufzeichnen und Auswerten deiner Workouts.

Ob du lufst, Fahrrad fhrst oder wanderst: FitoTrack zeigt die wichtigsten Daten mit detaillierten Diagrammen und Statistiken. Es ist Open-Source und komplett ohne Werbung.

TikTok fined 10 million by Italian regulator over harmful content

Nebenprodukt HAtO oder AtOH
Ein Astathydroxid ist als Nebenprodukt bei Experimenten zu den Transactinoiden Copernicium (Element 112) und Flerovium (114) entstanden. Dies zeigte Chiera vom US-amerikanischen Oak Ridge National Laboratory mit russischen und Schweizer Kollegen. Die Forscher bestimmten daraufhin die Adsorptionsenthalpie der Astat-Spezies, indem sie diese auf Quarz-, Selen- und Goldoberflchen ads

Proton Mail lancia l'app desktop ufficiale Pi privata e senza distrazioni rispetto al browser. Privacy potenziata, notifiche native, multitasking. Ora per Mac/Windows, Linux in beta.

Why Government bans 18 OTT platforms, 19 websites, 10 apps and 57 social media accounts.

See here -

Watch at:
Play at:

temo sia stato una #profezia vero che oggi (come ieri), ho avuto altro nella giornata e non ho potuto fare soltanto la mia silly little #programming tutto il tempo, per insomma, la mia strada verso la pazzia sempre pi tosta.

Sar colpa del fatto che sto imparando React Native strada facendo (mai usato prima!), ma in sostanza sono passati comunque 2 mezzi giorni e lunica cosa che fa la #app ad ora mostrare il menu, lo stream della fotocamera, e al massimo unimmagine statica (che per si pu gi muovere in giro con la logica dolorosa!). Avete predizioni sulla data di rilascio della prima beta

#app #build #Mannaggia #profezia #programming

Making some fundamental changes to pricing and accessing card info based on Plus status in Hello There.

In short, cards added with an active Hello There+ status will continue to be fully available even if your subscription lapses (full image count, Sound Clips, Hashtags).

Hello There+ will still be needed for adding new content beyond the limits of the free tier, and will continue to offer customization options inside the app.

Changes coming later this month!

i disliked the safari icon since iOS 7, so this is coming ten years too late but heres my take on a new with a much more plastic feel.


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New app added to the Accessible Android apps directory: Primitive FTPd Accessible.

NEW RELEASE 0.25-beta

### OFFLINE MODE is here!
- implemented offline mode
- new UI for genres
- improved search
- improved UX for search
- bug fixes

Please report any bug.
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Milotic ab heute in Pokmon Caf ReMix verfgbar

Neue Eventinhalte sind ab heute im Spiel verfgbar.

Zur News:

Australian textiles