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Phew my favourite is working again. Though i am really worried by the recent lack of updates and communication by the developer could be the case of another wonderful app that the original creators sold of and then it dies a slow painful death.

It would be a pity. Castro's is fantastic, no other podcast app comes close.

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Some great recommendations in this thread. Thanks to everyone that has responded. It makes me wonder about use cases and what makes an app the preferred one.

How many podcasts do you subscribe to
How many podcasts episodes do you listen to each week
What is your preferred app
Is there a particular feature of that app that you can't live without


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Om de potentie van digitale innovaties in de gezondheidszorg beter te benutten, is een grotere rol nodig van zorgverleners.

Dat stellen we vandaag in het rapport Voorbij de zorg-app. We signaleren dat een smalle focus op technologie onvoldoende is om de grote knelpunten in de zorg aan te pakken.

Lees meer:

Alright, with Google Podcasts eventually going away I'm forced to look for an alternative podcast app. Unfortunately searches for recommended podcast apps are coming up with a lot of big platforms like Spotify and Audible.

For actual individual apps, the first two recommendations I tried had been decommissioned or simply no longer existed.

So if you use and like an Android podcast app that isn't Spotify or some other platform, please share.

The University of California has all but dropped carbon offsetsand thinks you should, too

The X Prize is taking aim at aging with a new $101 million award

Discover the heart of God: a love that carries, surrounds, and holds us always.
However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak and He will tell you things to come.
John 16:13

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