Guided Tours for your smartphone!


Ein Fitness Tracker, der deine Privatsphre achtet. FitoTrack ist eine App zum Aufzeichnen und Auswerten deiner Workouts.

Ob du lufst, Fahrrad fhrst oder wanderst: FitoTrack zeigt die wichtigsten Daten mit detaillierten Diagrammen und Statistiken. Es ist Open-Source und komplett ohne Werbung.

My Guided Tours

TikTok fined 10 million by Italian regulator over harmful content

Nebenprodukt HAtO oder AtOH
Ein Astathydroxid ist als Nebenprodukt bei Experimenten zu den Transactinoiden Copernicium (Element 112) und Flerovium (114) entstanden. Dies zeigte Chiera vom US-amerikanischen Oak Ridge National Laboratory mit russischen und Schweizer Kollegen. Die Forscher bestimmten daraufhin die Adsorptionsenthalpie der Astat-Spezies, indem sie diese auf Quarz-, Selen- und Goldoberflchen ads

Proton Mail lancia l'app desktop ufficiale Pi privata e senza distrazioni rispetto al browser. Privacy potenziata, notifiche native, multitasking. Ora per Mac/Windows, Linux in beta.

Why Government bans 18 OTT platforms, 19 websites, 10 apps and 57 social media accounts.

See here -

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temo sia stato una #profezia vero che oggi (come ieri), ho avuto altro nella giornata e non ho potuto fare soltanto la mia silly little #programming tutto il tempo, per insomma, la mia strada verso la pazzia sempre pi tosta.

Sar colpa del fatto che sto imparando React Native strada facendo (mai usato prima!), ma in sostanza sono passati comunque 2 mezzi giorni e lunica cosa che fa la #app ad ora mostrare il menu, lo stream della fotocamera, e al massimo unimmagine statica (che per si pu gi muovere in giro con la logica dolorosa!). Avete predizioni sulla data di rilascio della prima beta

#app #build #Mannaggia #profezia #programming

Making some fundamental changes to pricing and accessing card info based on Plus status in Hello There.

In short, cards added with an active Hello There+ status will continue to be fully available even if your subscription lapses (full image count, Sound Clips, Hashtags).

Hello There+ will still be needed for adding new content beyond the limits of the free tier, and will continue to offer customization options inside the app.

Changes coming later this month!

i disliked the safari icon since iOS 7, so this is coming ten years too late but heres my take on a new with a much more plastic feel.


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New app added to the Accessible Android apps directory: Primitive FTPd Accessible.

NEW RELEASE 0.25-beta

### OFFLINE MODE is here!
- implemented offline mode
- new UI for genres
- improved search
- improved UX for search
- bug fixes

Please report any bug.
Follow Power Ampache on Telegram:

Milotic ab heute in Pokmon Caf ReMix verfgbar

Neue Eventinhalte sind ab heute im Spiel verfgbar.

Zur News:

A desktop app for and it works on Linux Why, I don't mind if I do!

Chronicles, without a journaling :

How to Make A Navigation App For Android

An AI that can play Goat Simulator is a step toward more useful machines

Escapepod  Podcastplayer

Escapepod ist eine einfache und leichte App zum Hren von Podcasts.

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 80 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Artikel Problem oder Chance
Fr Chemieunternehmen, die einzelne Chemikerin und den einzelnen Chemiker verndert sich im Nachhaltigkeitsbereich viel, darunter neue Berichtspflichten und Chemikalienverordnungen. Wer sich frh damit beschftigt, kann wachsen. Sonst gehen Kunden und Anschluss verloren. Politische Initiativen, gesetzliche Vorgaben und die Gesellschaft fordern von Unternehmen, verstrkt Veran

Discord vai permitir criar novos jogos e aplicativos dentro da plataforma


Neues Kostmevent in Pokmon Masters EX gestartet

Ein Neuzugang ist ab heute im Spiel verfgbar.

Zur News:

The latest version of the PixPirate banking trojan for employs a new method to hide on phones while remaining active, even if its dropper has been removed. PixPirate is a new Android malware documented by the Cleafy TIR team last month seen targeting Latin American banks. Though Cleafy noted that a separate downloader app launches the malware, the report didn't delve into its innovative hiding or persistence mechanisms, or these were introduced ...

TUT Battlelog Commander-Fix DE 2K

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"So, before I could let myself hesitate again, my finger firmly pressed down on the TikTok app, my eyes reluctantly watching the app tremble in fear as I delivered its demise. Delete TikTok my screen asked, urging me to grant it another chance. By then, I had already cemented my decision."

music app icons to add some nostalgia to your homescreen.

Hey everyone! Game dev has been on pause for a little while. In the meantime I finally got around to building an iOS Comic Book reading app. If anyone wants to help with the beta test, heres the TestFlight link:

New app added to the Accessible Android apps directory: WiFi FTP Server accessible

Informationen zum Welt voller Wunder: bernahme-Event in Pokmon GO verffentlicht

Die Infos zum kommenden bernahme-Event sind nun bekannt.

Zur News:

The new Mastodon official app update has put a lot of space between the lines.

It has made the app look cozy, but I prefer compact and dense layout.

Design Milk : Is Lowes Style Studio for Apple Vision Pro the Future of Home Renovation 'sInnovationLab 'sStyleStudio

Ich hatte am Wochenende ein fr eine anzufertigende Salbe via bei einer in eingelst. Heute habe ich es dort abgeholt. Ich war der erste berhaupt, der diesen Prozess in dieser Apotheke benutzt hat, und das ber zwei Monate nach dem bundesweiten Start. Luft mit der !

How Use to the .

The hot new thing in is an that allows to collect on whole of potential .

Imagine an that increases the drag on the coasting scroll so that it slows down faster when an ad is coming up, making it land perfectly in the center of the screen.

Wait, Twitter did that years ago. And I hated it then.

That's some Las Vegas roulette wheel bullshit.

Applied Intuition secures Series E to advance vehicle software and AI capabilities
Briefs: The company grows to a $6 billion valuation, securing $250 million in funding to advance vehicle software and AI capabilities to accelerate the adoption of safe and intelligent machines via an advanced driving assistance system and automated driving toolchain.

This remarkable , developed by Del Risco et al., allows users to explore a family-level tree of life with 7500 terminals, including time-proportional branch lengths and illustrations of the organisms at each terminal.

MiTM phishing attack can let attackers unlock and steal a Tesla

Researchers demonstrated how they could conduct a Man-in-the-Middle (MiTM) phishing attack to compromise Tesla accounts, unlocking cars, and starting them. The attack works on the latest Tesla app

Why we need better defenses against VR cyberattacks

GoGain Course near Bayswater