Guided Tours for your smartphone!

Flexibler lernen mit Kursen on demand Durchstarten mit Chemiefortbildungen der GDCh
Ab sofort ist das Fortbildungsangebot der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) fr 2024 in der abrufbar. Kurse zu Recht, Qualittssicherung, Projektmanagement und Marketing ergnzen die Fortbildungen zu klassischen Chemiethemen wie Synthese, Analytik, und Lebensmittelchemie. Die

I *still* think there needs to be an OS-level way to see which of the I have installed are and which were installed from an like or the .

are different from and apps are different from the that corpo app stores peddle.

I need to manage these different kinds of apps differently.

Hello from Mammoth -

DoorDash warns customers who don't tip upfront that they may face a longer wait for their food orders:

The personal finance Mint, which I loved before it was acquired by Intuit (more like ), is being shut down by Intuit. RIP.

This is a good time to mention I switched to Copilot a couple years ago. Its good. I pay for it. Heres the link. Use my referral code 4QC3RU to get 2 months free

with my ShtogunPad

Technische Probleme bei der App der Deutschen Bahn

Recent Flipper Zero Bluetooth spam attacks have now been ported to an , allowing a much larger number of devices to implement these annoying spam alerts. Inspired by previous research on the topic and Flipper Zero applets targeting devices, and later Android and Windows, software Simon Dankelmann developed an Android app capable of the same Bluetooth spam. The Android app, named 'Bluetooth-LE-Spam,' can generate BLE advertisement ...


Boah, mit der neuen hat sich die echt keinen Gefallen getan. Selbst im 250Mbit WiFi ldt gerade wieder nur jede 5. Anfrage. Und sie zeigt dauernd an ich sei offline. Selbstverliebte Softwareentwickler*Innen die die Schuld natrlich bei den Fehlermeldungen nur beim Kunden sehen.

Aber wie schreibe ich dann nur diesen Trt :-)

Thema: Geburtstag

Birday - Birthday Manager
Ein einfacher, aber ntzlicher Geburtstagsmanager. Birday ist kostenlos und werbefrei!

Birthday Buddy
Erinnerungen an Geburts- und Jahrestage von Freunden durch minimalistische App.

Les personnes hospitalises aux HUG peuvent retrouver, en temps rel, les qui leur sont prescrits et administrs lhpital, ou encore sinformer sur les indications de traitement et la posologie, sur l'application Concerto :

Why Meta is getting sued over its beauty filters

Czech cybersecurity Avast confirmed that its antivirus SDK has been flagging a Google as malware on Huawei, Vivo, and Honor smartphones since Saturday. On affected devices, users were warned to immediately uninstall the Google app because it could secretly send SMS messages, download and install other apps, or steal their sensitive information. Others saw a different alert, telling them that the Google app was a trojan that could provide ...


Guess the by Patrick Swayze.

Download and play from & !

I'm gonna learn kotlin, and wanna get into Android App Development, any tips

Thema: Finanzen

Finanzmanager (PFA)
Hilft Ihnen ihr Einkommen und ihre Ausgaben im Blick zu behalten.

Budget Watch
Hilfe zur Verwaltung des persnlichen Budgets.

Artikel Junge Entrepreneurs in der Chemie
Der Weg in die Selbststndigkeit ist in der Chemie ein eher seltener Karrierepfad. Die Statistik weist Lifesciences als Branche mit dem hchsten Durchschnittsalter von 41 Jahren der Grnder:innen aus (Austrian Start-up Monitor 2019). Umso bemerkenswerter ist es, dass es erfolgreiche Beispiele von GCH-Mitgliedern gibt, die zum Teil bereits vor od

ffs make Your App Work

Still Crashes

Strange a Firm Use 1 = 18 Months

Sick Firm/Company This Bandcamp

Reinstalled Several Times

I'm So Tired Of That & Bandcamp Don't Care

18 Months Is That How Or Actually Don't

The calls are coming from inside the app!

Because it wasn't bad enough, Twitter adds voice and video calls - Desk Chair Analysts

Explained why is Sarkari Result not working and how to fix website and app issue problem


Guess the by Chris Sarandon.

Download and play from & !

First draft of the new notes app for FileTree.

I decided to not release the gifted with the previous name and . Which one do think is the new one What would you expect this app to be about

Was passt is What fits in english.

There were some comments under my last post to where you post from, so here is another poll:

Una de las opciones que tiene y que le da un potencial extra al usar la red de es la posibilidad de aadir otras Cronologas locales, es decir puedes aadir en la app otros servidores mastodon de la temtica que te interesen y as ver todos los toots de ese servidor como si estuvieses en l o fueras parte de esa comunidad.

De esta manera, me puedo enterar de que se cuece en dichos servidores e incluso hacer follows posteriores y hacer crecer mi timeline con gente de otros servidores con intereses comunes.

No s si esta opcin est disponible en alguna otra app, pero esto marca la diferencia.

est disponible pada totalmente free y su cdigo puedes encontrarlo en .

Has anyone else noticed that the has become

Since 15, has lost the ability to the spoken content of a webpage with what the screen reader highlights, which is supposed to be the entire point of the feature

Now the reader is grayed out

Maybe its my (much larger than average) font size, or because I use the , but now I have to highlight the specific text I want to be read & command it to read

We need to focus on the AI harms that already exist

I was listening to yesterday's when they talked about features on the official and I was confused because I forgot there was an official app.

Elements Developer Diary - Week 20!

This week were taking at look at the updated Element icons, along with a very quick look at how grid and flex items can be used in a layout.

Where or how do you post Fosstodon/Mastodon posts

Autre bonne dcouverte: Sayboard

C'est un clavier vocal Android et open-source. Vous dictez , il crit.

Cette app utilise les modles libre VOSK de reconnaissance vocale (les mmes utiliss dans KDEnlive pour gnrer des sous-titres). 20 langues sont disponibles.

uniquement sur le magasin F-Droid:

Trs bonne dcouverte: ImageToolbox

C'est une app Android open-source pour le traitement d'images: filtres, rognage, dition des donnes EXIF, redimensionnement, mosaque et d'autres.

Un couteau Suisse trs bien foutu, et l'UX et encore plus l'UX sont assez dingues (vous comprendrez en allant dans les paramtres).

sur F-Droid:
sur le Google store:

Canadian authorities echoed the decision by the US and Europe to remove Kaspersky and WeChat from government mobile devices.

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 56 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

A good friend of mine did discontinue his carefully developed a while ago and I am very happy to announce, that I now was chosen to continue his efforts. Do you have Then this app may me a great fit for you as well! More details are upcoming

Thema: F-Droid

Eine alternative Client-App, um F-Droid-Paketquellen zu durchstbern.

Neo Store
Ein moderner F-Droid Client mit Material Design.

It seems Joplin, and Standard Notes all have community-driven flatpaks, even though they officially support . Joplin releases as AppImage, Standard Notes and Obsidian as AppImage ans snap. Only Obsidian verified community of its . I believe it's very much worth investigating why so many developers seem not to like flatpaks.

I did! I favoured Upnote for handwritten notes but now I noticed it works only on . My previous broke and can't be repaired and I'm not buying another unless EC labels iPadOS as gatekeeping platform. My current choice is and as a backup if StarLite turns out to be bad.
So I guess I'm nowhere with the note taking again

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