Guided Tours for your smartphone!

Friday sketches.

Bilanz Covestro 2023 Polycarbonate und Recycling
Wegen der weltweit schwachen Nachfrage im Jahr 2023 waren die Verkaufspreise und -mengen gering. Dies senkte den Umsatz des Leverkusener Konzerns Covestro.Im Jahr 2023 setzte das Polymerunternehmen Covestro 14,4 Mrd. Euro um, 20 Prozent weniger als im Vorjahr. Aufgrund des negativen Konzernergebnisses hat der Vorstand beschlossen, keine Dividende

We (Apparent Software) released version 1.1. of our to fight - Calm My Dog. New version brings refined and redesigned dog profile and lets user to set manually time goal for current training session (and to revert to the calculated goal). The release of Calm My Dog 1.1 took place during .
Link to App Store:

The app idea comes from our graphic designer - Braden Froese. It is 100% SwiftUI and I am main dev.

Corp. will launch its own for consumables in July, creating an alternative to Inc. and s app stores and their fees.

President says the store is launching on the , versus an , so its accessible across all devices, all countries, no matter what, independent of the policies of closed ecosystem stores.

Microsoft Plans Mobile-Game Store, Vying With Apple, Google


" sta arrivando sulla nuova piattaforma di scambio di di RevolutApp , chiamata Revolut X!

La nuova piattaforma un' autonoma incentrata sul consentire agli utenti di scambiare criptovalute ed separata dalla principale app bancaria offerta da .

Dash sar incluso come opzione per il trading su questa piattaforma."

Discovered this on today and it works like a charm. Useful for anyone wishing to download an entire archive of their favorite .

layer my
layer styles
color: green

/* Ye shall not pass! */
:is(h1, class) all: revert-layer !important

/* Any library styles */
color: blue /* has no effect */

This is for the !

Sistemi di protezione e controllo, la tecnologia evolve by Secsolution

Notizie, Tecnologie, Soluzioni, Approfondimenti, Formazione

Nueva entrada en !
Gua de Signal para principiantes

A new iPad Pro is on the way for content creators, and even folks who just want the best, as Apple details remarkably thin iPads with new chips, new screens, and new accessories, too.

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 64 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Neues Trainer-Akten-Event in Pokmon Masters EX

Ein Trainer-Akten-Event und ein neues Nebengebiet sind nun verfgbar.

Zur News:

A recent data breach in an external recruitment application used by the European Parliament, named 'PEOPLE', exposed sensitive information of around 8,000 candidates for temporary positions. This breach, discovered during preparations for the European elections, involved the compromise of an application that had been offline since its discovery. The European Parliament has assured that its infrastructure was not affected, but the exact cause and extent of the breach remain unclear, leading to speculation about potential foreign cyberattacks. This incident follows previous cybersecurity challenges faced by the institution, including data exposure in 2020 and a 2022 website attack. The European Union is set to implement stricter cybersecurity rules, known as the Network and Information Security Directive 2 (NIS2), by October, which will require quicker reporting of cybersecurity incidents by critical sectors.


My initial journey into Small Language Models

VSCO Launches Hub, LinkedIn for Photographers to Find Paid Work

New Genetic Form of Alzheimer's Identified in People With Common Risk Factor : ScienceAlert

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SwiftCraft 2024 SESSION PREVIEW: Workout experiences for watchOS and iOS with WorkoutKit by Audrey Zebaze

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Ich habe heute per zur geschickt und spter mit der Karte in der das geholt.
es geht voran.

New game added to the Accessible Android apps directory: Cricket Masters accessible

Come eliminare i tuoi dati personali dall'app FaceApp:

This App Lets You Upload Your UFO Photos

Italian and German institutions share Historical Landmark award of the European Chemical Society Chemistry overcomes borders and boundaries
Joint Press Information of the Societ Chimica Italiana, the German Chemical Society, Politecnico Milano and Max-Planck-Institut fr Kohlenforschung  It was December 10th in the year 1963 when two outstanding chemists from Italy and Germany shared

Found this book super helpful SwiftUI Cookbook - Third Edition: A guide for building beautiful and interactive SwiftUI apps

Check out the book -

Apple's app privacy richtlijnen: een analyse van non-conformiteit door grote tech bedrijven 's privacybeleid fingerprinting -ontwikkelaars non-conformiteit

Mein , meine -Auswahl

Vorinstallierte auf dem : Was tun gegen

Startup brasileira lana novo app de namoro com foco na segurana


Abos fr Apps von physischen Produkten

Wenn physische Produkte mit einer App daher kommen, habe ich lieber ein . Dies erhht den Druck auf das Unternehmen, die auch weiterzuentwickeln (z.B. ). Ist dies nicht der Fall, dmpelt die App meist nur noch vor sich hin (z.B. ).

Play Store: app e giochi gratuiti e scontati

Kurz notiert Photochemie und Fluoreszenz
Nebenreaktion fhrt zu Fluorophoren Ein Team um Maulide und Gonzlez von der Universitt Wien ist auf eine einstufige Synthese von infrarot-emittierender Fluorophoren gestoen. Als sie ein Amid, ein Pyridin und ein Azid umsetzten, erhielten sie statt dem erwarteten -Aminierungsprodukt ein Imidazo1,2-apyridiniumtriflat (Abbildung). Diese Verbindungskl

Das, was hier recht verwerflich ist, jeder wei von diesem , aber sie werden stillschweigend akzeptiert. Dass ein Programm schlecht programmiert ist, verstehe ich noch, aber dass 11/Tracker in einer versteckt sind, das ist kein Zufall mehr. Meiner Meinung nach fliet Geld herber vom groen Teich, ansonsten ist das unerklrlich, warum jede proprietre APP solche Tracker hat. Es wre ja absolut nicht ntig, dass solche Spione in einer APP eingebaut werden. Ich wrde aber noch akzeptieren, wenn Entwickler Absturzdaten bekommen, wenn mal was passiert, um so die APP zu verbessern oder zu reparieren.
Da leider das der grte in unseren Taschen ist, sind die Tracker nur ein Tropfen auf einen heien Stein.



### VERSION 1.00 ###
- UI/UX cont. : some minor fixes and UI improvement (slowly catching up with the official Figma designs my designed worked on)
- added Czech translations

- updated jetpack library
- improved loading songs from albums and playlists

Please report any bug.

Power Ampache on Telegram:

Community Day mit Frubberl fr Pokmon GO angekndigt

In Pokmon GO wird Frubberl bald im Rampenlicht stehen.

Zur News:

A question for Android users

I've been using Tusky for quite a while now, and I wonder if the official Mastodon app has become better than Tusky in the mean time.

In case there's a new superstar Mastodon app for Android, that'd also be interesting to know.

Thanks in advance.

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