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Indie App Sales 2024 Edition!

Artikel Krebsmedikamente zum Anschalten
Arzneimittel gegen Krebs haben durch ihren potenten, aber meist unspezifischen Wirkmechanismus Nebenwirkungen fr Patientinnen und Patienten. Klartext-Preistrger Jan G. Felber hat neuartige molekulare Mntel entwickelt, um therapeutische Wirkstoffe gezielt zu aktivieren und zwar durch enzymatische Prozesse im Krebsgewebe. Enzymatische Reduktionsreak

OBS Studio 30.1 Released with AV1 Support for VA-API, PipeWire Camera Source

Un nuevo informe de RevenueCat analiz datos de ms de 29.000 aplicaciones de suscripcin y encontr que solo el 17,2% genera 1.000 $/m o ms en ingresos despus de su primer ao.
La mediana de ingresos mensuales para aplicaciones despus de 12 meses es inferior a 50 $/m. Las aplicaciones de salud y fitness tienden a ser las ms exitosas, mientras que las de viajes y productividad tienen ms dificultades.
Adems, rara vez se supera el ao en una suscripcin.

erlaubt nun doch, Apps auch von Websites zu installieren

Nun ja einfach "nur" von zu , wie bei Windows, ist nicht wirklich ideal und kann unsicher sein. Eine Install-Vorrichtung Distribution ist 'er und simpler zu bedienen. Auf den meisten Linuxe ist es sehr umfangreich und mMn einfach zu bedienen und die akzeptieren zustzlich externe Apps -Quellen.

DYK the American owned Grinder happily sold it's data to the Catholic Church to out gay priests Makes me wonder how many politicians & Fox "News" would be outed if we pooled our money 7 bought data from - normally I'd be against outing people but if you're homophobic in the streets & gay in the sheets you deserve to be outed.

Libby is great and available with many libraries (on top of Onleihe). Just try signing in and youll know.

For those of you that use a 1080p display on macOS, I just found a way to fix all the weird blurriness and/or stretching that gets applied to icons (And makes text clearer as well). Use the Better Display app and enable High Resolution on the 1080p display. And Voila: See images of the difference!


Tracker und Berechtigungen anderer installierter Apps anzeigen.

Apple greenlights downloading apps from websites

"(...) Bluemoon

Open-source, privacy-friendly menstruation tracking app.


"well, it's working for me"

does not help me diagnose an error with your

also, starting every response email with

"sorry for just getting back to you"

is a bad selection from the script

Descrgate su ahora!

An OpenAI spinoff has built an AI model that helps robots learn tasks like humans

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 83 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

GVision: soluzione cloud per VMS: La soluzione GV-Cloud VMS di GeoVision GVision Italia sfrutta la potenza del VMS GeoVision spostandola sul cloud, offrendo una gamma di funzionalita avanzate attraverso la nuova applicazione mobile GV-Cloud per iOS e Android. E cosi possibile avere il controllo totale delle operazioni di videosorveglianza...

You could ban with a patriotic flourish from the heavens immediately, but if we fail to regulate , pass a law, or combat , Chinese (or Russian, or Iranian) intelligence can simply turn around and buy that same (and detailed profiles of American consumers) from an unlimited parade of different , , makers, companies, or services by

Every damn iterates from a pro version that you pay for, to get some extra features, to a pro plus version, to a premium version to a premium pro plus plus version and so on. Airlines go the other way Economy as the cheapest option got degraded to Economy Basic which will be stripped of even more commodities as Economy Basic Minus.
Fun times!

Wow, this looks really cool!! has a new feature called that I only found just now. It shows a really nice-looking overview over the last hours in your timeline. You can filter by original posts, boosts, followed hashtags etc.

And it even gives you the most mentioned links in that time period. I'm pretty sure, that this will now become my go-to feature in the morning to get up to speed.
You can try it out in your browser.

Well done, !

New app added to the Accessible Android apps directory: Smart audiobook player Accessible

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US lawmakers vote 50-0 to force sale of despite angry calls from users
If the bill passes in the House and Senate and is signed into law by President , TikTok would eventually be dropped from app stores in the if its owner doesn't sell Our phones have not stopped ringing. They're and old people saying they spend their whole day on the
Ha ha, for a "free market" when it suits you. Seriously, the should learn from this


Open Source, Datenschutz freundliche Menstruation Tracking App.

Chinese EVs have entered center stage in US-China tensions

13 Best Secure NFC Payment Apps

Sticker Studio crea per le di messaggistica

Artikel Mohr ohne Chromat
Der Chloridgehalt einer Lsung lsst sich ber die Titration nach Mohr bestimmen. Den Endpunkt zeigt farbiges schwerlsliches Silberchromat. Chromat ist allerdings genotoxisch und daher nicht problemlos in der Schule zu nutzen. Doch es gibt ungefhrliche Alternativen. Seitdem die Richtlinie zur Sicherheit im Unterricht im Jahr 2016 in Kraft getreten ist, mssen Lehrkrfte vor jed

Crafting Your Ideal Harvest Hosts Adventure: A Step-by-Step Guide for Seamless Planning

Harvest Hosts is a membership network that connects RVers with over 2000+ unique locations across North America, where they can spend the night for free. These hosts range from vineyards and farms to museums and attractions, offering a unique overnight camping experience....

Alcuni giorni fa pensavo che volevo creare forse una sezione secondaria sul sito del MicroBlog, per pubblicare in massa, non so, #link a prodotti interessanti, #memini a raffica senza commento, comunque roba troppo spammona e che non vorrei tenere nel #feed principale, che altrimenti diventa inseguibile da chiunque, come il #canale di shitposting medio.

Alla fine non lo avevo fatto ancora, e ora che ci ripenso avrei forse potuto riciclare il mio vecchio profilo Mastodon in disuso , per che palle quindi ieri sera mi tornato in mente #Pinterest, e ho ricreato laccount l. Cera un software del Fediverso che avrebbe dovuto ricreare la stessa esperienza, , ma il progetto evidentemente morto ancora prima di partire. Forse un bene, perch senza un buon algoritmo non funziona bene quel paradigma, con buona pace dellideologia del software libero

Vabb, per chi interessa quindi ho creato un canale #Telegram aggiuntivo, con il mio bot che potr inviare in teoria varie cose, ma in pratica ora saranno soltanto tutti i miei Pin (cio i post sul sito l inviati da altri utenti che salvo nelle raccolte, ed i link e #media che pubblico io): . Se non mi inizier a scocciare, attenzione che l arriveranno #meme relatable da malattia mentale e foto cute da gente a casissimo con un ritmo incessante. Alternativamente alla #app di Durov, che per quanto marcia comoda, .

#app #canale #feed #link #media #meme #memini #Pinterest #RSS #Telegram

Hello everyone!

For the past month, version 1.4 of Tweak It has been in development. As of today, the update is officially released!

Want to try it out You can download the Tweak It app from the Google Play Store here:


Minha ideia era apenas recomendar um lbum timo que estou ouvindo, mas no deu para ignorar um aspecto distpico.

Hello everyone!

For the past month, version 1.4 of the Tweak It app has been in development. As of today, the update is officially released!

This update adds a bunch of new features, as well as new menus to the launcher (such as the App Quality Tester in Android Auto and the Debug Options in the Google Play Store). Using the new app drawer settings, you can give yourself even easier access to some of the tools in Android (such as the System UI Tuner, WebView Stable DevTools, and legacy file manager)! For those of you that miss the Twitter bird, the app drawer settings can also be used to add the Twitter icon back to your app drawer! Another new feature that has been added is the ability to apply patches that enable features hidden within Android! Miss having the System UI Tuner listed in your Settings app Simply apply the patch through Tweak It, and it will be re-added!

Want to try out the latest update You can download the Tweak It app from the Google Play Store here:


New app added to the Accessible Android apps directory: Solid Explorer accessible.


Rezeptmanager: Importieren oder erstellen Sie Ihre Lieblingsrezepte.

I've written a little WebDAV server:

This is a webDAV / web server that serves the current directory as a web site.
It makes it convenient to upload/download files between your PC and a remote
device say a mobile phone (Android, iPhone etc) simply using the web browser.
Run it with the -U option makes it possible to upload files without a WebDAV client.

More details in the readme:

Emissions hit a record high in 2023. Blame hydropower.

Il semblerait que l'installeur Windows de FileZilla contienne des spywares. Prfrez WinSCP.

The SECs new climate rules were a missed opportunity to accelerate corporate action

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 62 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -


Tracke deine Nahrung einfach und schnell.

Get a Portrait of your Pooch