Guided Tours for your smartphone!


Mach sensible Bereiche auf Deinen Bildern unkenntlich.

Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited , such as the or you are using, your non-precise location, your type or which you are interacting with. Information about your activity on this service can be stored and combined with other information about you or similar users. Your profile can be used to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities....

SusChemSys Ein lebendiges Netzwerk fr nachhaltige Chemie
Ein interdisziplinres Netzwerk an der Schnittstelle zwischen Chemie und Verfahrenstechnik begleitet die Ausbildung ausgewhlter Doktorand:innen, die an zehn Forschungseinrichtungen und Hochschulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen forschen. Partner sind Industrieunternehmen gemeinsame Basis ist Green Chemistry.Der thematische S

Spannend wie sich im sich die sich gegenspielen. Ich nehme keine von beiden in den Schutz aber spannend zu lesen. Zeigt aber auch wie "" TikTok ist und wie die -Industrie auch.

IT-Business will Musik von abziehen:
Knstler wie oder knnte ab Donnerstag aus der - verschwinden. Keine Einigung auf Verlngerung der am 31. Jnner auslaufenden 'vereinbarung

Neue Kampfrallye-Funktion ab heute in Pokmon Masters EX verfgbar

Ab heute kann in Kampfrallyes in mehreren Kmpfen hintereinander angetreten werden.

Zur News:

"The app could also be benefiting from its move into the fediverse. Though Threads is moving slowly to integrate with ActivityPub, knowing that it will soon be a place where users can engage with another sizable community and one where many former Twitter users have since landed could have aided in Threads reputation and adoption." :mastodon:

Instagram Threads triples downloads in December, reaching the top 10 X falls to No. 36

Makers of Twitterirfic kickstarting new unified timeline iOS .

#app #iOS #iosApp #iOSJournal #iOSJournalApp #iPhone #journal #journalApp #tech

Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited , such as the or you are using, your non-precise location, your type or which you are interacting with. Information about your activity on this service can be stored and combined with other information about you or similar users. Your profile can be used to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities....

"We have an for that!"
What's your immediate take


Es gibt noch freie Pltze in unserer Veranstaltung "Papierlos, Przise, Praktisch: GoodNotes fr Pdagogen" ist eine Notizapp. Die wurde entwickelt, um handschriftliche zu machen und -Dokumente auf -Gerten mit Anmerkungen zu versehen.

Diese bietet Ihnen die Mglichkeit, die leistungsstarke -App GoodNotes kennenzulernen. Mehr Infos und Anmeldung unter

Ma qualcuno sa se esiste un'app che scansiona gli scontrini, identifica le voci e le salva da qualche parte

Do any of you use the tool from to create and 's in , , and protocol, among other things What is your experience with it

Is there an alternative Mac app to manage an El Gato Stream Deck Have not found anything other than some Linux-oriented stuff on GitHub.

Id really like something that maybe has more YAML or JSON or TOML, so I can put it under version control. Im in that kind of mood.

Also, something that doesnt completely disappear when I switch to a different app, like the first-party app does.

Smartphone app can help you track your climate actions

The GetGreen app lets you earn points and compete with others for the highest score

Descrgate su ahora!

anzeigen oder nicht
Die fediversale kennt eine Einstellung namens "App anzeigen, ber die ich einen Beitrag verffentlicht habe" (zu finden in den ).
Wenn diese aktiviert ist, zeigen die eigenen Beitrge die zur Verffentlichung genutzte App (z.B. , , die blichen Verdchtigen eben).
Allerdings wird diese Information nicht fderiert. So verbleibt diese Information stets auf der eigenen .
Standardmig sollte diese Option aktiviert sein.

Dear Taylor Swift, were sorry about those explicit deepfakes

Keka v1.3.7 for is here!

Removed some corks and upgraded all the inner workings

Whats new
Get it on

Thanks for the continued love and feedback to all users!

Special thanks in this update:


Thanks to all the translators ! In this update:


- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 67 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Apple Flinger

Kurzweiliges Einzel - und Mehrspieler-Spiel - Verschiee pfel mit einer Zwille.

Kurz notiert Von Wasserstoff bis Tamarindenbaum
Wasserstoff-Kompass Wie und wo H2 in der chemischen Industrie eingesetzt wird, ist Teil einer Metaanalyse von Dechema und Acatech. Sie untersucht Studien und Szenarien zum knftigen Wasserstoffeinsatz in den einzelnen Industriesektoren. MBZum PDF: begren Die CLG Europe Materials & Products Taskforce mit Unterne

When a indicates that a user is nearing their destination, that is when AllAboard should be opened. The uses the phones' to detect street signs from 30 to 50 feet away. It then uses auditory cues to direct the user towards their destination, with the frequency of the sounds changing as they approach the endpoint.

New app effectively aids and commuters in finding

Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited , such as the or you are using, your non-precise location, your type or which you are interacting with. Information about your activity on this service can be stored and combined with other information about you or similar users. Your profile can be used to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities....

Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited , such as the or you are using, your non-precise location, your type or which you are interacting with. Information about your activity on this service can be stored and combined with other information about you or similar users. Your profile can be used to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities....

FREE Horror Titles on Crackle in February
Winter temperatures may still be flexing on your neighborhood but your friends from Crackle are showing what REAL chills look like with these FREE horror titles in February!

Blood Widow

Feature Film

Laurie and Hugh are a successful young couple who have just closed on a weekend home away from the city. When their friends explore the...

Grandi offerte su app e giochi nel Play Store!


Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited , such as the or you are using, your non-precise location, your type or which you are interacting with. Information about your activity on this service can be stored and combined with other information about you or similar users. Your profile can be used to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities....

New app added to the Accessible Apps directory by Editorial Staff: Tasty. Accessible with few unlabeled buttons. Meet your new cooking coach! Over 3000 Tasty recipes now at your fingertips.

Universidad Nacional asegura que trabajadores de plataformas de domicilios no son autnomos y dependen de las apps

ist und bleibt digitales .
Es gibt in Deutschland stand 29.1.2024 immer noch keine elektronische und auch kein digitales .
Nein, gibt es nicht.
Jedenfalls nicht funktionierend.

Ich habe jetzt die , App, App und die App installiert, diverse QR Codes gescannt, Kundennummern und PINs abgetippt und nach zwei Stunden genervt aufgegeben.

kann Deutschland einfach nicht!

Cercando altro ho trovato questo: app completamente senza traccianti n pubblicit.
Le provo tutte

New app added to the Accessible Apps directory by Editorial Staff: SMS Backup & Restore. Accessible. SMS Backup & Restore is an app that backs up (creates a copy of) SMS & MMS messages and call logs currently available on the phone. It can also restore messages and call logs from already existing backups.

Buenos das! Do you Duolingo I do, every day, for several years. I've come across some things that make me go, "DAMMIT Do!" over the years. Here a a few.
Next week, I'll talk about things I really like about the app and system.

with this . It shows ypu what brands support isreal and you can scan barcodes

Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited , such as the or you are using, your non-precise location, your type or which you are interacting with. Information about your activity on this service can be stored and combined with other information about you or similar users. Your profile can be used to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities....

The contentious path to a cleaner future

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Zur News:

Arc Search: a new iPhone app combining browser, search, and AI - The Verge

How wastewater could offer an early warning system for measles

Chinese textiles