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Latest version of does not let me react or edit my or others posts or access the menus on my . I have removed and added the app, upgraded the server with no luck - any suggestions thank you

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Es sind zwei Systeme auf dem Markt, die Ausgangsstoffe mit Nahinfrarotspektroskopie prfen. Damit spart ein Apothekenlabor nasschemische Analysen. Auch Anwendungen in der Industrie oder bei deren Dienstleistern sind denkbar.Grundstzlich hat die Spektroskopie im nahen Infrarot (NIR) fr den pharmazeutischen Bereich den Vorteil, dass sie als Prfmethode im Europischen Arzne

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Help me understand...

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I still haven't fixed my . So I haven't done any posting there for a couple of years now. Maybe this pika thing suits me better.

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Rumor: app da Netflix no ser compatvel com o Apple Vision Pro


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A new campaign targeting vulnerable Docker services deploys an XMRig miner and the 9hits viewer on compromised hosts, allowing a dual monetization strategy. 9hits is a traffic exchange platform where members can drive traffic to each others' sites. This traffic is generated by a 9hits viewer app that is installed on members' devices, which uses a headless Chrome instance to visit websites requested by other members. In return, those users credits, ...

iPhone Tip. After checking out an app, I do not mind giving it a rating in the app store, but if you get tired of it asking for you to rate it every time you open the app, then with iOS 17, you can now turn that off, and here's how. 1. Go to Settings. 2. Swipe down to and choose App Store, which is a little past battery. 3. On the next screen, swipe until you come to, In-App ratings and Reviews, and it is a toggle switch. So just double tap it to turn it off. Now you get to decide when and for what app you submit a rating for in the app store.

Does anyone know of an to upload phone photos to

I did have a really simple 3rd party app on my old phone but can't find where I downloaded it from.

To discuss:

A. Have newer systems like or added value to your that *isn't* outweighed by the costs of adding the /protocol to your legacy workflows

B. What objective metric has the newer system increased How much

C. If the net value added is subjective, how would you describe it

D. Is the value added experienced only by people in certain positions (like ) Or is the value more or less equally distributed


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Google DeepMinds new AI system can solve complex geometry problems

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New app added to the Accessible Apps directory by Kareen Kiwan: Skit Premium apps manager. Accessible. Skit is a simple intuitive app manager for your device. Skit opens up many possibilities for you, which includes uninstalling or extracting apps, easily viewing all apps components, and more!

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2024, le prsidt de la rpubl fait sa 2me "confrence de " en 6,5 ans. Et c son quipe qui choisit les ki s'exprimeront, aprs avoir envoy leur question par sms

L' Asso de la Presse Prsidntielle ose pourtant avt l'interview:"Les journalistes sont libres de poser ttes les questions kils souhaitent...Aucune question n'est jamais soumise en amont au chef de l'tat. C tjrs mieux de le dire"

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Kinderlhmung Schluckimpfung neu aufgelegt
Gegen die Kinderlhmung gibt es zwei Arten von Impfstoffen. Beide haben Nachteile, welche die geplante Ausrottung der Krankheit verzgert haben. Ein neuer Impfstoff soll nun einen Ausweg bieten.Der letzte registrierte natrliche Pockenfall trat im Oktober 1977 in Somalia auf. Im Dezember 1979 erklrte eine Expertenkommission die Krankheit fr ausgestor

El Ayuntamiento multar a los transportistas que no usen la nueva app de carga y descarga

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Just when I thought I couldn't love Dan Levy any harder.

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Estou criando um projeto com ideia de transformar os bairros em comunidades federadas, todo o desenvolvimento est sendo feito no github de naneira aberta, comentarios com criticas e sugestes so bem vindas, sempre com respeito

Anyone using a food/macro tracker app on Android that does not steal every bit of data, or needs a smart watch tracker Anything FOSS I have been looking but can't find anything that suits.

/ / /

#Android letteralmente un #incubo appena tenti di fare qualcosa di un attimo #particolare

Ricordate la mia Alla fine, #KDEConnect in questo modo funziona molto bene, ma mi secca che sia totalmente vuoto se c un #display #LCD da sfruttare, e vorrei approfittare per usare questo #smartphone per mostrare #animazioni carine, magari un orologio, ecc E, per maggiore #flessibilit, vorrei semplicemente avere una pagina #web sullo #schermo. Per, ovviamente, nel frattempo larea di #tocco del #mouse deve poter ricevere i miei input. E quindi

Ovviamente, se gli strumenti funzionassero davvero, e fosse solo la #piattaforma in s ad essere antipatica, non avrei perso tutto questo tempo. Invece no, appresso ad #AndroidStudio, Gradle, Java, le dipendenze di #build troppo vecchie perch la app abbandonata, e se provi a sistemare fai solo danni, e quando la #app finalmente si compila devi aspettare un minuto buono ogni volta che fai un cambiamento e vuoi inviarlo al #dispositivo o emulatore una #schifezza.

Tuttavia, la #pazienza la #virt di chi sa bramare il #superfluo in modo realistico, e dunque, alla fine, ho trovato una #demo che riuscissi a #compilare (), infilarci dentro una #WebView, e vedere il tutto #magicamente funzionare come volevo. Che assoluta #goduria, guardate il #video sotto. Ora far giusto qualche #aggiustamento minimo necessario al mio #UseCase, e poi avr finito. Non far una vera e propria #applicazione, non ho voglia, ma comunque caricher i miei #sorgenti modificati (e lAPK pronto che legge un file #HTML da archiviazione locale) qui: (i #file appariranno quando avr fatto).

Il #programma ora visualizza la pagina di errore di Android, perch il file che dovr caricare non esiste ancora, e le dimensioni della #finestra dovranno essere sistemate. Quello che importante che in s #funziona.

#aggiustamento #Android #AndroidStudio #animazioni #app #applicazione #applicazioni #browser #build #casino #codice #compilare #demo #display #dispositivo #file #finestra #funziona #Goduria #HTML #Huawei #incubo #input #Internet #KDEConnect #LCD #magicamente #mouse #OpenSource #particolare #pazienza #piattaforma #popup #programma #riadattare #schermo #schifezza #smartphone #sorgenti #superfluo #telefono #tocchi #tocco #touchpad #UseCase #video #web #WebView

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tough day for home screens.

Is there a well maintained launcher for that uses the two-panel paradigm of object > verb Or why is there not That fits how my brain works so much better than the way and et. al. work (I don't want to have to remember what the app can do). Or is there a way to make these apps work in a more explicit" way like I prefer

And I know QS is still limping along as an open source thing, but Id prefer more robust support/development.

On CMs instructions, a campaign for revolutionary reforms in Government Schools continues on a large scale.

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An efficient way to hurt your industry is to force all to apply through an that is cumbersome, buggy, and a single point of failure. Make sure to support as few systems as possible, definitely no webbrowsers, and disable all avenues for feedback or user support.

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