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RedAlert, Israel's rocket alert app, breached by hacktivists.


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Fachgruppenjubilum Perenne nil nisi solidum
Die GDCh-Fachgruppe Festkrperchemie und Materialforschung feiert Jubilum. Vor 60 Jahren grndete sie sich unter dem Namen Halbleiterchemie. , alles fliet1) diese These trifft im besonderen Mae auf Wissenschaft und Technik zu, deren stete Fortentwicklung allerdings weniger einem gleichmigen Flieen entspricht, sondern eher in Schben erf

I have to look at it to see if I can work more concentrated:

Pomatez Stay Focused, Take a Break.
Download this elegant multi-platform Pomodoro desktop app to boost your productivity.


Spread smiles on World Smile Day! Let the joy in your heart radiate through your cheerful countenance. Proverbs 15:13 reminds us of the power of a merry heart. Happy World Smile Day!

**Picocrypt**, une petite app open source de cryptage trs complte, simple utiliser et rapide.

fr die texte evtl einen clipboard manager.

fr ersteres tasker

In gibt es ganz selbstverstndlich in den Einstellungen. Auf meinem suche ich das vergeblich.
Gibt es sowas fr

Konkret mchte ich mobile Daten und WLAN zu bestimmten Zeiten automatisch ausschalten.

Und was ich auch vermisse ist das ich Texte speichern kann in und mit eigenen Kurzbefehlen abrufen kann. Praktisch fr viele z.B.

Alternativen fr

So theres this & app called that itself as an designed for to make matches, and is not supposed to be a competition like other dating are. So I tried it out and as a lot of apps do, they ask me to post a review about the app. Well, with what I tried of the app, they basically are like every other dating app where you have to put on your profile and photos are emphasized over a persons bio just like every other dating app out there. Isnt this against what the app is promoting If there was a dating app that was truly for people who are tired of the beauty contests, it would work like this

1. No photos on the profile at all, just a bio and other necessary info.
2. People avoid seeing each others faces at first and instead only each other, so they can get a conversation going and get an idea of the others .
3. Once a connection between two people is established though , only then are or a are established.

In , there was a group where everyone put on a while they were having conversations with another perosn. The people in the group had in the past with dating before, and some people managed to land a second date with the person they with, where they would meet for a second time . It goes to show that dating works better when you put personality before someones physical , and there needs to be a dating app that reflects that by allowing a text onyl conversation before of the other person are shown.

kenn jemand eine gute um eine Sprache zu lernen z.b. Japanisch, Franzsisch

This is an invitation to my own personal nightmare

As an , its hard to impress to anyone without the just how complicated can be

The author uses this , but chew on their disclaimer. Its shallow in depth

The AI would grind every last drop of info about me


app gives you AI-powered photographic memory

mRNA vaccines just won a Nobel Prize. Now theyre ready for the next act.

iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro users can finally breathe a sigh of relief as a frustrating bug affecting the Messages 's search functionality is finally fixed. 's solution to this problem has arrived with the release of the second beta of 17.1 this week. Since the launch of the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro, some users encountered an irksome issue with the Messages app's search tool. This bug restricted search results to display recent messages, ...

I have written a Mac app that allows you to locally record the positions in the Find My app.


Guess the by Ryan Gosling.

Download and play from & !


App zur berwachung des Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatums von Produkten.

The Instagram chief has spoken, and this pertains to the highly-awaited iPadOS version of the Instagram that will optimize the experience for the larger screen, saying that the is currently not developing it. Many have awaited the Instagram experience on the iPad, and while there is an app, it is still the iOS version that stretches itself for the device. Users could between 1x or 2x zoom for the iPad's Instagram app, and neither fits its ...

A personalized entertainment discovery platform supported by Bill Gates has unveiled Pix, the world's personal entertainment companion. Pix assists users in discovering their next preferred TV show, movie, book, or podcast. Pix is accessible for queries on, the Likewise , and the Likewise connected TV app, where users can view their watchlist and instantly stream recommendations directly on their television. A personalized ...

Show HN: Timbre An app that finds the best sounds for your sleep

/ / /

So I just downloaded the Airchat app.

The whole app is such a creative piece of software

The best I can describe is it's effectively a merger of the concept of "Clubhouse" or "X Spaces" (social audio), and microblogging.

You have rooms, just like in Clubhouse. You post voice recordings into these rooms, rather than to chat in real time. You can reply to voice recordings. You can repost the voice recordings, including reposting replies to these voice recordings.

And a transcript is generated of your voice recordings.

The interface allows you to "replay" the entire room. That is, all individual voice recordings will be played back in chronological order.

Your own profile will display the transcripts of all individual voice recordings that you have ever made, and the interface ends up looking like a Twitter or Mastodon profile.

The main "timeline" looks very similar to any microblogging platform.

The businesses changing climate technology


Entdecke und kreiere Cocktails mit Zutaten von zu Hause.

I knew I couldn't buy an -book in the app or but I didn't realize why (it's because they don't let anyone tell you)

Or that many things are cheaper if you buy them on the website mostly because is a terrifying in the control it demands but and other big players are bad too

Free access


Box, Box!

Inoffizielle App fr Formel-1-Liebhaber.

A good idea for a app:

Integrate with .tv, so it knows what episodes and movies youve seen. Automatically hide spoilers for things you havent seen.

Then when you mark something as seen, show your friends posts about them, even if they were old.

That way you can be completely out of touch with media but enjoy your friends posts when you actually get around to watching.

Someone do this please!

Vorteile von app-gesteuerten Packstationen.

Les mastapotes, on a quoi comme app fiable sur ios pour lire son flux Pour l'instant utilise Metatext et j'en suis plutt content. Pour info je suis sur mon instance #pleroma et pas #mastodon donc il faut que ce soit compatible #fediverse #app #ios

Glad I managed to get the game playing via Chromecast from my laptop, after finding no function in the . Very strange.

We have 2023 + 2024 solar eclipse paths and simulations in the current beta of our iOS app - interested in trying it Drop us a line at support at

Listen up fedi's!
Idea from husband:
Someone should come up with an app that takes a picture of your face when you're shopping online and you see the price.
And then it enters you into a monthly contest of whose picture has the most horrified look.

They could call it something like StkrShk, or Ehmergerd, PriceFkd, ...

Die Timelines nebeneinander zu haben und weiter wischen zu knnen, hnlich wie bei ist super.

Das beste aber: Feeds knnen auch Listen oder Hashtags sein. Grandioses Feature von

Die bleibt

schade gibts keine frs handy die runterrechnet in ein schonendes format / grsse habe wenigstens noch nichts entdeckt

Kostenlose App fr Pixel-Smartphones: Google bringt die Super-Lupe

Entweder bin ich gerade Opfer eines A/B Tests bei , oder die haben den Profilaufruf verschlimmert. Bisher knntest du in der oben auf dein Profil klicken und warst direkt im Profil. Jetzt muss ich erst ber eine Multi Profilauswahl gehen. Das sind 3 Klicks mehr.

Docker releases three new products aimed at secure app delivery

Why the first-ever space junk fine is such a big deal

Sechs fr Mastodon bei

Im GPlaystore 2.59 bei kostenlos






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