Guided Tours for your smartphone!


Spritpreise zeigt die aktuellen Preise an den Tankstellen in Deutschland.

Pour ceux qui ne le seraient pas, l'ensemble d'application SimpleMobileTools a t rachet par ZipoApps un diteur Isralien qui ajoute dsormais des pubs.

Un fork est donc en train d'tre cr: Fossify (sur F-Droid)

Pour l'instant, Fossify Gallery est disponible.

Et pour tre au courant des nouvelles sorties:

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 62 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Artikel Planet der Dinosaurier
Leben auf fernen Planeten hat bisher vor allem Science-Fiction-Autor:innen beschftigt und in hypothetischer Form die junge Wissenschaftsdisziplin der Astrobiologie. Diese untersucht das Leben auf der Erde, um aus seinen Parametern abzuleiten, wo sonst im Weltraum noch etwas kreuchen und fleuchen knnte und wie wir es finden knnten. In diesem Sinn ist die Geburtsst

We keep adding more radio apps! New app added to the Accessible Apps directory by Warren Carr: Cloud Radio. Accessible with a few unlabeled buttons. Cloud Radio has all the feature that you want for a radio player ,Recording live streams
, scheduled Recording , live lyrics and more

Today I sent out emails to all the people who joined my waitlist for

Feeling incredibly grateful for this opportunity!

Rabbit, el nuevo dispositivo de IA dispuesto reemplazar celulares: imita y ejecuta acciones humanas

Rond 1962 zat ik in de 2e klas van de lagere school. Mijn keek mijn na met een loep. 'Peter, daar staat geen punt hier' zei hij toen, dus ik moest het overdoen.
Tegenwoordig lees ik veel, dat zoals ik gn punt moeten zetten achter een zin in een , als zij met hun . Klinkt niet als een probleem, toch
Morgen ik dus gewoon:
'km j mrgen tn b m' en dat schijnen ze te begrijpen tegenwoordig.

Ist die Werbefreie Lsung zur

Dialga und Palkia in der Urform mit besonderen Ingame-Effekten fr Pokmon GO angekndigt

Mit der Pokmon GO Tour: Sinnoh werden zwei besondere Abenteuer-Effekte verfgbar gemacht.

Zur News:

Today at not just some with 11 updated apps, but also some "evaporation": 12 apps have been removed as they used expired debug keys, more will follow them the next days. Some background on this can be found at

For some more background: I'm currently implementing additional checks for better app security, see once done and working, details will follow with a blog article.

But good side of those websites and webapps is that they load when needed, but are otherwise not present on your system.
While "apps" have to be manually installed and remain even after you are done interacting with the service.
Google tried with Instant Apps , some lightweight demo apps that load when user doesn't have full app installed. Not sure how that is going.

What are some projects that are trying to make this sort of revolution happen

The NBA the star-studded lineup of players that will be featured in season two of the NBA Entertainment original "Pass the Rock" on the NBA , including Orlando Magic forward Paolo Banchero, New York Knicks guard Jalen Brunson, Minnesota Timberwolves guard Anthony Edwards, Indiana Pacers guard Tyrese Haliburton, Oklahoma City Thunder forward Chet Holmgren, Memphis Grizzlies forward Jaren Jackson Jr., Philadelphia 76ers guard Tyrese Maxey and San ...

Try using colors for a more organized to-do list!
- Critical Priority: Urgent and essential
- High Priority: Important but less urgent
- Medium Priority: Needs caution, not immediate
- Low Priority: Less urgent tasks

is flooded with pro- and anti content, likely by design according to recent research. Im guessing that and and are no better.

Remember folks: if youre using an with an youre being manipulated.

Before you tap forward or repost: do your fucking research. Fact check. Doesnt matter which issue or side of that issue you support.

Do the work. Be a good

Read Aloud on Android is one of the best apps I've downloaded on a while. This app reads aloud pdfs, ebooks, webpages, and more.  On top of that, these guys don't quit at the hands of Google. When Google denied their Android Auto app (probably because it competes with Play Books) they made a work around. My kind of people. Yes, I'll buy the $9.99 license, though it's not required.

Voice Aloud Reader reads aloud the text displayed in an Android app, e.g. web pages, news articles, long emails, sms, PDF files and more. IMPORTANT: You need Text-To-Speech engine and voices installed on your device to use this app. If you don't have it yet, pickup from Play Store. Examples: Speech Services by Google (pre-installed on most Android...

#Android #app #pdf #ebook #readaloud

Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer , mit der ich eine neue erlernen kann. Leider werden bei , und Co. keine Grundlagen vermittelt, wie Grammatik, Ortographie und Deklination.
Ein - wre alternativ fr mich nur sinnvoll, wenn es offene Kurse gibt, also keine festgelegten Wochentage und Uhrzeiten - wo gibt es so etwas

Uh-oh. Dear please do NOT sign your APKs-for-distribution using debug keys. Especially not with expired ones (debug keys usually expire after 365 days AFAIK)!

And who by Goofy had the idea to make it possible using such debug keys to sign release APKs, so they not even raise the "android:debuggable" flag That's how they were not noticed when I added them (proper checks in place now to stop that).

Having to go for a cleanup in my repo now

Gefhrliches Zgern nach Schlaganfall: Neue App soll helfen
Schlaganfall: Eine neue App soll helfen, einen Vorfalls schneller zu erkennen und dadurch besser zu behandeln.

(KNA). Jede Stunde, die Patienten spter in die Klinik kommen, verringert sich die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines guten Behandlungsergebnisses um 14 Prozent, erklrte

#app #iOS #iosApp #iOSJournal #iOSJournalApp #iPhone #journal #journalApp #tech

Descrgate su ahora!

Nueva entrada en !
Ya podemos seleccionar todos los mensajes desde Gmail para el mvil!


Deutsche Video Streams von ffentlich-rechtlichen Sendern.

Artikel Neue Historische Sttte der Chemie in Dresden
Die GDCh nimmt den Knig-Bau der TU Dresden mit der Historischen Farbstoffsammlung in ihr Programm Historische Sttten der Chemie auf. Das Gebude mit seiner Raumfolge aus Hrsaal, Vorbereitungsraum, Labor und Magazinen fr die Farbstoffsammlung vermittelt einen lebhaften Eindruck der chemischen Lehre vor dem Zweiten We

Find out what is takes in launching a popular . From to explaining the & reasons behind the app, here are tips on engaging others to your from Zellij's Aram Drevekenin

If you are looking for a minimalist and simple, zero-bullshit podcatcher for iOS, I can not recommend enough Castamatic.

Single dev keeping it up for years, not cluttering it, no ads, no listener tracking.

Just subscribing and listening to podcasts like in the old days.


Anyone have any ideas why Im not getting notifications on official I just switched phones so I assume it has something to do with that, but I cant figure out how to get it to work. The apps notifications are enabled in my phones settings and in the apps settings.

A family member just gifted me a Lumen metabolism tracker.

So of course, me being me, I started looking into what it tracked before plugging it in or downloading any app.

Turns out, it's spyware in the shape of a health gizmo.

Here's the Exodus report for their app, with Facebook Gaming for comparison.

I need one app to replace my work notebook

So I'm willing to replace my physical notebook for my Samsung Galaxy Tab 5, but I'm having trouble finding the exactly app for me....

Hello dear community. I am a solo developer and would love to get your work.

I had the chance to work a bit on my own app and released a new version.

The app is there to track Bitcoin and see the amount and convert them to the most common currencies. It works mostly offline and stores all relevant data securly on your device.

For example you could watch the Genesis wallet. Or if you have own wallets that you would like to have a look into you can see always the newest values.

I would be very proud if you could check the out and give me some on how to improve it.

Thanks in advance and happy coding! Proudly build with

MtoSuisse ()

pisode de termin dans la rgion de : 10 cm mesurs l'aroport, en accord avec les observations dans l'.
Merci pour vos contributions !

09/01 19:48

Authy desktop app will go away August 2024 and will only be available as mobile app for Android and iOS

What 2fa apps are you using for desktop

pisode de termin dans la rgion de : 10 cm mesurs l'aroport, en accord avec les observations dans l'.
Merci pour vos contributions !

Original tweet:

Selten freue ich mich so darber, eine nutzen zu knnen, wie ber die fr und das auf iPhone und iPad.
Falls Du also im -Universum unterwegs bist, kann ich Dir vor lauter Begeisterung nur empfehlen, diese kostenlose und e App auszuprobieren.
Ich hab sie so gestaltet, da sie mich an das gute (!) frhere erinnert (runde Profilbilder neben Beitrgen). Du hast viele sinnvolle Einstellungsmglichkeiten fr Aussehen und Funktionen, um die App Deinen Vorlieben anzupassen.
Der Funktionsumfang ist enorm und laufend kommen Verbesserungen und sinnvolle Neuerungen. Trotzdem empfinde ich die App als sehr bersichtlich.
Meine Lieblingsfunktion sind Gruppen von s, die ich anlegen, speichern und aufrufen kann. Diese werden wie Deine Timeline selbst ber verschiedene Gerte synchronisiert.
Was sagst oder fragst Du dazu
PS: Das Bild zeigt einige der mglichen App-Icons fr iPhone und iPad.

pisode de termin dans la rgion de : 10 cm mesurs l'aroport, en accord avec les observations dans l'.
Merci pour vos contributions !

09/01 19:48

The Authy desktop apps for Windows, macOS, and Linux will be discontinued in August 2024, with the recommending users switch to a mobile version of the two-factor authentication (2FA) . Authy is an authenticator app that allows users to set up two-factor authentication (2FA) for their online accounts, generating a unique validation code every 30 seconds to facilitate authorized access. The app's popularity is due to its ability to generate offline ...

I am only 2 away from getting my Super Fan sound pack. If you use / and havent checked out Clear yet, they just released a major update that is really cool. It is a simple but nicely designed .

New Podcast is here ...featuring... yPhil


As always a from the Fediverse and to the Fediverse...

Will update and re-draft again but just for speed boost and let's hear what people think.

:ccby: :ccsa: :ccnc: CC-BY-SA-NC License - No where else granted permission but Fediverse unless this account or author gives public ok from the same accounts mention here on Fediverse.

NOTES = RSS app by author
Audio at 24.10 is yPhil's own music and cover is below!

Anyone use app or third party app on iOS Official app still in beta, so any good third party recommendations

western australia