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Meinungsbeitrag Times of change
We are living in a time characterized by sudden, life-changing, and unpredictable events. The Covid crisis with drastic lockdowns, the war in Ukraine and the disruption of supply chains, and massive worldwide environmental issues resulting from climate change are examples only from the last few years. The current energy crisis has heavily impacted consumers and put the focus

Reddit can (and very well might) rug-pull again.

This isn't sustainable. It takes one bad actor to rack up the API bill for the Narwhal dev. API rationing isn't fun either.

I truly hope that third-party app devs that are hanging on strongly consider making a Lemmy version.

Make the apps, and people will come.

Sorry, I wrote not . This is a SHORTCUT for iOS/iPadOS not an app


Guess the by Rick Moranis

Download and play from & !

Canada stops broadcasting signal today after 80 years.

on the .

My Best Reads of 2022 ReadMoreApp

Been a bit since I checked in. What apps or interfaces are you all using for Mastodon

I'm currently on Elk.

Quieres aprender de todo Aprende con las mejores aplicaciones mviles de forma gratuita!

Frog is such a neat little Linux desktop app to extract text from images.

You can give it an image (file selector, drag & drop) or let it take a screenshot. And you can even paste an image from your clipboard!

This is great for adding alt text when posting an image or copying text (as text) from a screenshot for sharing (or adding to UI mockups, as I often do).

It also reads QR codes and supports several languages.

Are we ready to trust AI with our bodies

mit steuern: Top oder Flop Unter Einfach Elektromo...

Keka v1.3.5 for is here!

Use the Finder Extension in the Finder's toolbar
More robust than ever

Whats new
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Thanks for the continued love and feedback to all users!

Special thanks in this update:


Thanks to all the translators ! In this update:


- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 53 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Etar - OpenSource Kalender

Etar ist ein im Material Design gestalteter open source Kalender fr jedermann.

If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever
John 14:15-16

Umweltanalytik Neue Spurenstoffe in Stdten neue Schadstoffe
Bisher ist kaum untersucht, welche kologischen Auswirkungen es hat, wenn Elemente fr elektronische Gerte oder Energiegewinnung, darunter Cer, Niob oder Tantal, in die Umwelt gelangen, etwa aus der industriellen Verarbeitung oder Elektroschrott. Inzwischen gibt es analytische Methoden, um Spuren in Umweltproben

During my solidaristic eschewing of all services during the now resolved and still ongoing , I've been relying on really bad via the .

The level of and low-key to blatant micro- and macro-aggressions towards various groups, capped off by a guest star run by , finally took off my schedule.


Guess the by Jean Hagen.

Download and play from & !

trolling for Israel theres an app for that.

found this earlier when looking behind cookie-cutter propaganda

Isra3l knows that its bombings are morally wrong and war crimes.

Their organized propaganda app directs users to 'derail' conversations by bringing up US drone strikes.

I guess this tactic was used to stifle criticism by American establishment Democrats

Kreeg weer eens een bericht van mijn zoon met zijn nieuwe nummer. Hij verliest wel erg vaak zijn mobieltje.
Hij heeft echt een groot probleem als hij steeds zijn mobieltje verliest.

Komt nog een probleem bij voor hem. Ik heb helemaal geen .

NASA International Space Apps Challenge 2023

Welcome to the AI gym staffed by virtual trainers

muss ich mir jetzt tatschlich ne programmieren damit ich nicht jedesmal mich mit auf rumrgern muss . grrrr

, associazione dei , analizza , l' ecommerce che sta spopolando nel mondo. Alcune critiche per sono ingiustificate.
TEMU criticata perch vende prodotti cinesi non certificati, ma TEMU solo un distributore come altri

Aves Libre

Galerie und Metadaten Explorer.

RedAlert, Israel's rocket alert app, breached by hacktivists.

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Kurzgesagt, das hier ist die beste Beleidigungs-App die du kriegen kannst!

Fachgruppenjubilum Perenne nil nisi solidum
Die GDCh-Fachgruppe Festkrperchemie und Materialforschung feiert Jubilum. Vor 60 Jahren grndete sie sich unter dem Namen Halbleiterchemie. , alles fliet1) diese These trifft im besonderen Mae auf Wissenschaft und Technik zu, deren stete Fortentwicklung allerdings weniger einem gleichmigen Flieen entspricht, sondern eher in Schben erf

I have to look at it to see if I can work more concentrated:

Pomatez Stay Focused, Take a Break.
Download this elegant multi-platform Pomodoro desktop app to boost your productivity.


Spread smiles on World Smile Day! Let the joy in your heart radiate through your cheerful countenance. Proverbs 15:13 reminds us of the power of a merry heart. Happy World Smile Day!

**Picocrypt**, une petite app open source de cryptage trs complte, simple utiliser et rapide.

fr die texte evtl einen clipboard manager.

fr ersteres tasker

In gibt es ganz selbstverstndlich in den Einstellungen. Auf meinem suche ich das vergeblich.
Gibt es sowas fr

Konkret mchte ich mobile Daten und WLAN zu bestimmten Zeiten automatisch ausschalten.

Und was ich auch vermisse ist das ich Texte speichern kann in und mit eigenen Kurzbefehlen abrufen kann. Praktisch fr viele z.B.

Alternativen fr

So theres this & app called that itself as an designed for to make matches, and is not supposed to be a competition like other dating are. So I tried it out and as a lot of apps do, they ask me to post a review about the app. Well, with what I tried of the app, they basically are like every other dating app where you have to put on your profile and photos are emphasized over a persons bio just like every other dating app out there. Isnt this against what the app is promoting If there was a dating app that was truly for people who are tired of the beauty contests, it would work like this

1. No photos on the profile at all, just a bio and other necessary info.
2. People avoid seeing each others faces at first and instead only each other, so they can get a conversation going and get an idea of the others .
3. Once a connection between two people is established though , only then are or a are established.

In , there was a group where everyone put on a while they were having conversations with another perosn. The people in the group had in the past with dating before, and some people managed to land a second date with the person they with, where they would meet for a second time . It goes to show that dating works better when you put personality before someones physical , and there needs to be a dating app that reflects that by allowing a text onyl conversation before of the other person are shown.

kenn jemand eine gute um eine Sprache zu lernen z.b. Japanisch, Franzsisch

This is an invitation to my own personal nightmare

As an , its hard to impress to anyone without the just how complicated can be

The author uses this , but chew on their disclaimer. Its shallow in depth

The AI would grind every last drop of info about me


app gives you AI-powered photographic memory

mRNA vaccines just won a Nobel Prize. Now theyre ready for the next act.

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