Guided Tours for your smartphone!


Tasky ist ein einfaches Aufgabenmanagement-Tool eine App zur Organisation von ToDo-Listen. Damit lsst sich die Arbeit verwalten und die Zeit richtig einteilen.

Rohstoffversorgung Recycling strken
Um den Bedarf der Industrie an Metallen zu decken, sind heimischer Bergbau, Importe und Recycling wichtig. Dafr sind Daten zu sammeln: zur Verarbeitung in Deutschland, zu Handels- und Mengenstrmen, zu knftigen Recyclingpotenzialen sowie zu Barrieren und Lsungsanstzen. In Deutschland stammen Steine- und Erden-Rohstoffe wie Sand, Kies, Gips und ein Teil der Industr

Does anyone know of an that can be used to make custom ring tones for my IPhone I'd like some recommendations. Please boost.

Create your own Guided Tour

Anyone have a favorite RSS reader on iOS Must support dynamic type sizing.

My latest blog post wonders if we really should expect the ubiquity of smartphones.

"A Smartphone Is A Requirement"


Guess the by Karl Swenson.

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Baby on Board ist eine Anwendung zur Schwangerschaftsverfolgung, die Ihre Privatsphre respektiert.

"It's tempting to say that like Alberta's Energy Regulator our provincial government has become "Captured By Industry" but is captured the proper word Premier IS the industry and always has been."


These Chinese companies prove green tech can be profitable

Il programma di .com offre dei benefici sia a te che ai tuoi amici invitati: 25 dollari in CRO per ognuno.
Scopri cosa puoi fare con questa di gestione , come richiedere una carta e invitare un amico.

Pokmon GO-Boni zur Polaris 2023 in Hamburg angekndigt

Whrend der Polaris findet ein Vor-Ort-Event in Pokmon GO statt.

Zur News:



Updater fr Datenschutzfreundliche Browser.

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One thing I did get was Klack! I posted about it like two months or a month ago and it is awesome. I've had it turned on by default and it sounds amazing. Here's the link if you're interested:


Contacts Import

Importieren Sie Ihre CSV-Kontakte aus einem Desktop-Client ohne Cloud-Synchronisierung.

Artikel Das schsische Berggeschrey geht um die Welt
Der Reichtum an Erzen und Mineralien im Erzgebirge machte das schsische Montanwesen zur Wiege des modernen Bergbaus. Seit dem 6. Juli 2019 zhlt die deutsch-tschechische Montanregion Erzgebirge/Krunoho zum Welterbe der Unesco. In der Begrndung fr die Ernennung der schsisch-bhmischen Bergbauregion zum Welterbe hebt d

Sic Permission Slip on data brokers that use your data 'tmiss

Neues Episodenevent und Gefhrtensuche in Pokmon Masters EX

Antonia bildet ab heute eine Einheit mit Echnatoll.

Zur News:

Hey come check us out " new player" to try it out, only for for now

O que e como funciona o Programa de Fidelidade da Shopee


Third-party Narwhal hopes to survive Reddits app purge with a subscription plan:


Downloading the cause the is a

.. ...

How many are there

And why they render


Guess the by Helen Hunt

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We made our Siddur and Tehillim apps free so we can pray for the safety and security of our friends and families

1300 days ago I started on Duolingo with the Latin course. Nowadays I'm using it to learn Spanish and Catalan.

It's just one of the many things I use to learn languages and the streak system compels me to keep learning, even if it some days I only do a little (depending on free time).

For many of the popular language, this is a great tool and makes things fun.

Highly recommended.

Your latest podcast is LIVE. Things are hectic, you might've missed 's California lawsuit but Big Oil surely didn't. We spoke with West Coast Environmental Law's Andrew Gage of the movement in BC



The sports betting sector is positioned to provide both casual and devoted gamblers with a more immersive, secure, and transparent experience

Wer auf einer Plattform arbeitet, fr den ist oft die App auf dem Handy der Boss. Aber wie die funktioniert und ihre Entscheidungen trifft, bleibt dabei ein Rtsel - was die Arbeit von Gewerkschaften erschwert. Ein neues Team um will hier Abhilfe schaffen und berichtet bei von einem Praxisversuch. Mein Artikel fr

Just In Time For NYCC - GlobalComix Launches It's App
Available now on Android and iOS

Keka v1.2.3 for released

Faster file browser on very complex archives
More fixes, lets make it bug free

Thanks for all the feedback and reviews

Test it on
Get it on

Thanks to all the translators ! In this update:


Hallo Internet ich treume seit lngerer Zeit von einer aber ich kann sie leider nicht weil mein PC zu schwach ist.

In der App sollen meine ffentlichen IP-Adressen gelistet werden und immer wen ich oben auf den refresh button klicke oder das Wlan wechsel soll ein neuer Eintrag in Der liste erstellt werden wo das Datum die IP und Das Wlan drin steht.

Ist hier vieleicht ein Entwickler der mir diese App bitte programmieren kann
habe aber leider kein Geld.

So, last Friday was my milestone ("prototype") for my for . I started developing the app that day because I had to learn this stuff first. And guess what: I'm not really done yet.

Is there anyone here who can me a bit I know how to design things (mostly), but is something different.

I need a bottom navigation bar that I can use to switch to different "screens" ().
Also... Are there any good guidelines on how big a text should be for a given thing


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Meinungsbeitrag Times of change
We are living in a time characterized by sudden, life-changing, and unpredictable events. The Covid crisis with drastic lockdowns, the war in Ukraine and the disruption of supply chains, and massive worldwide environmental issues resulting from climate change are examples only from the last few years. The current energy crisis has heavily impacted consumers and put the focus

Reddit can (and very well might) rug-pull again.

This isn't sustainable. It takes one bad actor to rack up the API bill for the Narwhal dev. API rationing isn't fun either.

I truly hope that third-party app devs that are hanging on strongly consider making a Lemmy version.

Make the apps, and people will come.

Sorry, I wrote not . This is a SHORTCUT for iOS/iPadOS not an app


Guess the by Rick Moranis

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