Guided Tours for your smartphone!

Thema: Dateimanager

Ein Open Source-Dateimanager, der den Richtlinien des Material Designs folgt.

Material Files
Open Source Dateimanager im Material Design

My Guided Tours

Karriere in der Stahlindustrie "Groe Industrieanlagen haben mich immer schon fasziniert"
Der Physikochemiker Matthias Krger hat sich den Berufseinstieg in die Verfahrenstechnik zugetraut. Heute trgt er dazu bei, den CO2-Fuabdruck von Stahlwerken zu verringern. Das Stahlwerk von Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe in Duisburg produziert jhrlich rund 11 Millionen Tonnen St

Na WRKS delam part time uz cely mesic. A posun je znat.

Po nekolika iteracich, pridavani, ubirani, obarvovani mame komplet designy prvni verze. Na to jak obri mame Figmu jsou pouzite designy jenom maly ostruvek.
Vyvojove mam implementovanou temer celou funkcionalitu, ted to jenom hodit do finalniho kabatku.

Od noveho mesice budu delat na WRKS fulltime jako hlavni projekt. Brzi nahodim landing page s vizi a spustim testovaci verzi.

Worth remembering the person who'd like to rip Alberta out of the Canada Pension Plan and build a brand new one out of scratch for which she has zero experience very recently freely admitted that HER OWN PEOPLE tell her she has poor judgement about what's real & what's not


The antivax champion, crank conspiracy enthusiast, far right wingnut shockjock firebrand grifter Danielle Smith warns us that (checks notes) "the is no longer credible." This mind runs Alberta's pensions but only if we're all insane


It's not unlike a pair of parents being asked to trust to babysit their newborn baby. A bridge too far even for some of the world's stupidest & most reckless people.


Good news is a lot of Albertans from across the political divide don't *actually* trust this crank, at least not when it comes to their OWN MONEY. It's all fine & dandy to cripple our clean energy industry to own the libs but actually forking over pension $


The question for every Albertan right now regardless of political stripe is do you believe for some reason knows A WHOLE LOT MORE about running a complicated pension fund than she does large scale medical drug procurement (the answer is a loud & clear no)


Everything you need to know about why Alberta should run screaming from turning our pension money over to Danielle Freaking Smith is made abundantly clear here.


(article here: )

ist ein Non-Profit, das es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, Jugendlichen in persnlichen Problemsituationen mittels einer und kostenfrei, niedrigschwellig, schnell und unkompliziert Hilfe bei psychischen Problemen anzubieten.

wir verstehen dich und bieten dir deshalb passende Untersttzung zu jedem Thema an. Denn es ist okay, Hilfe zu suchen und du bist nicht alleine!

.2 1 bringt die - mit!


Guess the by Sidney Poitier.

Download and play from & !

idea: an app to search for symbols. Example: if the user does not know how to display the intersection symbol , the app could display the Latex code (cap) needed to display it.

Maybe 's excellent Characters app could be forked

here we go.

Archiving People in Henlo

Schade, dass es keine halbwegs datenschutzfreundliche Andoid- gibt, mit der man odt- bearbeiten geschweige denn erstellen kann. Oder gibt es doch eine

Weve all been there: a podcast you loved and spent many hours listening to is finally over. ... AntennaPod allows you to keep track of your past listens while still keeping things organized and efficient for your daily use.

Google Maps aggiunge nuove funzionalit IA
Google Maps si rinnova con l'intelligenza artificiale: in arrivo viste 3D immersive, realt aumentata e molte altre novit per pianificare itinerari in modo pi efficiente.

Sicherheit am Hamburger Hauptbahnhof App fr schnelle Hilfe startet

This is !

Even *if* an registers as .

In & it. Does. !!

! :meowpinghiss:

PS: even the


Abstract presenta Abstrid Store

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On X/twitter:
Duane Bratt
Former Lethbridge Mayor David Carpenter with a letter on the APP idea. Carpenter, a Chartered Accountant, and was on the Alberta WCB board and was instrumental in re-organizing their investments.

Abstract presenta Abstrid Store

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Alberta premier promises firm exit number before referendum on CPP

Were hearing from people. They want to know what the number will be, Smith told reporters Wednesday after a speech to the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce.

Albertans will have a hard number.

Wonder who will make up that number for her

The calls are coming from inside the app!

Because it wasn't bad enough, Twitter adds voice and video calls - Desk Chair Analysts

die mit ihrem Cache-Problem erzeugt manchmal spannende Bild-Text-Kombinationen

App soll fr mehr Sicherheit am Hamburger Hauptbahnhof sorgen

Nutzer der kostenlosen Handy-App "SafeNow" knnen nun per Knopfdruck die Sicherheitskrfte am Bahnhof sowie Freunde und Verwandte alarmieren.

Thema: Bilder verwalten.

Schlichte Galerie Pro
Fotogalerie ohne Werbung mit vielen ntzlichen Funktionen fr Bilder und Videos.

Aves Libre
Galerie und Metadaten Explorer

This is what I came up with in a previous session for the .

Basically I need only 3 screens that are communication with my backend.

I try to first implement the screens and add the logic later on since the endpoints are not yet created in the backend.

Comment bloquer le dmarchage tlphonique avec l'app Android : Yet Another Call Blocker().

L'ide est d'ajouter en black list les numros que les dmarcheurs doivent lgalement utiliser :


Bloquons le dmarchage Grise Bouille

cybernews research Hello Alfred app exposes user data.

Job titles of the future: carbon accountant

Nueva entrada en !

For my I have currently the need to create an independent QR-Scanner

First thought about creating a but now I stumbled upon the framework.

Which seems to be a good fit. Unfortunately I'm not that good in and .

Maybe this will be an opportunity to learn

Ich htte mal eine ketzerische Frage und hoffe, da ich damit keine Shitstorm auslse

Wenn ich mchte, da meine Toots gleichzeitg automatisch auf Bluesky gepostet werden, was muss ich denn dann machen

Thema: Bilder Datenschutz.

Mach sensible Bereiche auf Deinen Bildern unkenntlich.

Send Reduced
Bildgre vor dem teilen ndern und Exif Daten entfernen.

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 49 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Rezension Von Aromaten und Heterocyclen zur Bio und Nanotechnologie
Autobiografie von besonderem ReizVon Aromaten und Heterocyclen zur Bio- und Nanotechnologie. Von Franz Effenberger.GNT-Verlag, Berlin 2023. 268 Seiten, geb. 39,80 Euro. ISBN 9783862251308Die Reihe Lebenswerke in der Chemie berzeugt durch klare Strukturierung, attraktives Design und durch Les

I know folks chuckle about old services like , but since being bought by a company, it's been nice to see them improve their mobile app, especially for tablets.
It's just embarrassing at this point how bad is on larger screens.



