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Trendbericht Makromolekulare Chemie 2023
Der Wunsch nach einer geschlossenen Kreislaufwirtschaft befeuert die Forschung an biobasierten Polymeren und an Materialien mit mageschneiderten Lebenszyklen. Auch die Forschung an Energiespeichern bleibt wichtig. Ungebrochener Beliebtheit erfreuen sich zudem biomedizinische Materialien, von Polymertherapeutika bis zu Hydrogelen mit besonderer Struktur.

What defines whether precursor protein is cleaved into longer or shorter A-beta peptides correlating with s pathogenesis
Luca Chvez-Gutirrez and colleagues find key role of the APP ectodomain in lowering - processivity and promoting product release

The Threads took the world by storm when it debuted on July 5, by the Instagram team. Whether you're a new Threads user or have been using the app for some time, here are some of the you need to know about IG's new platform. The Threads app username syncs with Instagram, which means you can't change it directly within Threads. Like Instagram, Threads allows you to hide like counts on your threads. Select "Hide like count" to conceal the number of ...

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Version 0.61.2 von ist verffentlicht!

Die wesentlichen Neuerungen sind hier in einem zusammengefasst:

Die neue Version gibt es hoffentlich in wenigen Tagen im Hauptrepo, fr andere Bezugsquellen siehe die Projektseite bei :

Wettervorschau als basierend auf des Deutschen Wetterdienstes .

Just bought the outsidify app from Bastl. Like everything they make it is very cool and fun.

Today, I am very happy to announce that we have rolled out My Word X, our self-made dictionary application, on all Apple platforms. There are still some things we haven't quite got right, but we'd like to keep improving it.

My Word XApple

Mal angenommen ich htte das Vertrauen in den Hersteller meines komplett verloren - wie kann ich mein berwachen, insbesondere ohne die komplett grottige zu benutzen, derer gibt es sogar 2 Gibt es vernnftige herstellerunabhngige Apps oder nicht allzu teure andere Lsungen

Alle Infos dazu die ich finde sind eher fragwrdig. Danke vorab fr jeden Tipp.

The best Dark Sky alternatives in 2023


Myne: Ebook Downloader

Android Anwendung zum Download von ebooks aus dem Projekt GutenBerg.

Receiptify: como fazer uma nota fiscal com suas msicas do Spotify



Guess the by Mel Gibson.

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- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 48 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Website Monitor

Diese App hilft Ihnen, Ihre Websites regelmig mit Benachrichtigungen zu berwachen.

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Neues Update 4.26 im Vergleich: Die neuen Features im berblick! ...



So, the VA is kinda rad in ways.

Was reading up on PTSD on their website devoted to it, and followed the menu to my most pressing concern. On this page I found two free apps I already find so directly applicable.

A lot or people are in active trauma right now. I'm realizing that learning to exist and maintain as much equilibrium as possible through trauma is where my work lies. I'm sure I am not alone.

If you just happen to be an Oil Boss, Danielle Smith's plans for Alberta's pension money will be yet another great big gift from their most reliable champion. it's as predictable as the tides.

By now it should be abundantly clear to all and sundry what Premier plans to do with 's pensions. If it isn't I highly recommend you give a listen to our most recent Climate Lens.

Bu hafta, yapay zeka alannda gerekleen yenilikler ve gelimeler olduka heyecan vericiydi. Dnya genelinde birok aratrmac ve gelitirici, yeni algoritmalarn ve uygulamalarn yapay zekay daha da ileriye tamasna ynelik almalarn srdrd. Bu almalarn bir sonucu olarak, yapay zeka teknolojisi eitli alanlarda nemli ilerlemeler kaydetmeye devam etti.

ncelikle, doal dil

I use a lot!

Things I like:
- using the same app on and
- having extensions like in
- how syncs them from one device to the next
- not having to submit them to
- how they can be share targets, started at logon, and managed with the utilities

But I want to start a thread of things I don't like:


Lon The URL Cleaner

Entfernt Tracking und andere berflssige Parameter aus Weblinks fr die Freigabe.


, , , , , , ,

Go Package for Building Progressive Web Apps


Ein voll ausgestatteter Android-Client fr Mastodon und hnliche Server.

This startup wants to find out if humans can have babies in space

In India at least 60 people have killed themselves because of the harrassment and violations to their privacy by instant loan collectors.

"There are many apps that promise hassle-free loans in minutes. Not all of them are predatory. But many - once downloaded - harvest your contacts, photos and ID cards, and use that information later to extort you.

When customers don't repay on time - and sometimes even when they do - they share this information with a call centre where young agents of the gig economy, armed with laptops and phones are trained to harass and humiliate people into repayment."

Como colocar crdito no celular Vivo via Pix



- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 50 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Notizen (PFA)

Notizen App ohne Werbung mit minimalen Berechtigungen.

I ask me self, what is as a graphic app possible to build, but not a game, with or a other game engine :BoostOK:

Ey moin! Ich bin fuchsig und traurig zugleich:

Ich habe mir von meinem hartmarachten Lohn einen ltten (groen) wahrgemacht und eine neue und einen dazu gekauft (nicht gnstig, aber egal ist ). Der Amp ( Blues Deluxe Reissue) wiegt immerhin entspannte 22 Kilochen. Kann ich trotz zu Hause nicht zum schleppen.

Ich will den in den Raum schaffen, denn zu Hause kann ich den unmglich gut testen ().
ABER: Die -bude (YourCar), wo ich bin, hat KEINE s mehr WTF Warum

Geluschert nach Lastenrdern, : alle kommerziellen Anbieter haben (und natrlich via geprft: schn und -sforderung "Lesen vom Telefonbuch" WTF).

Leude, das nich progressiv sonnern Wannabe-Scheie!
Eure hippen Trackerapps gehren in die geschmissen, ernsthaft!

(Respekt dabei an das freie -Projekt "Helge", das scheint ohne zu gehen Aber war schon ausgebucht fr heute)
Was musste Mucki am Ende machen Sich einen mieten
Ey, vertellt blo keiner*/keinem*, dass 2023 is

Ich mag ja wirklich sehr, aber warum zum Teufel dauert es immer Minuten lang, bis sich meine aktualisiert

Event zum Da de Muertos fr Pokmon GO angekndigt

Tragosso erhlt mit diesem Event eine besondere Krone.

Zur News:

I love it when one app goes:

"Do you want to save before leaving Yes / No"

Whereas another app goes:

"You're about to quit without saving. Are you okay with this Yes / No."

If you read the above too quickly you might not realize that in the first app you have to select "Yes" if you want to save, whereas in the 2nd app, you have to select "No."



Guess the by Robin Williams

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