Guided Tours for your smartphone!

"Un cuento corto es algo por completo distinto: podra compararse con un beso dado apresuradamente..." - Stephen King.
Acierta y sorprende con un ao completo de , una llena de que enamoran.
Descbrelo aqu:

Neues Episodenevent ab heute in Pokmon Masters EX

Eine neue Einheit kann ab heute erhalten werden.

Zur News:

NEW RELEASE 0.16-beta

- added export-song option, to export downloaded songs to other apps or storage
- settings screen
- about screen
- user info and profile picture on drawer
- lyrics view for songs that have lyrics metadata
- Improved animations
- Improved retention of UI state

Please report any bug.
Follow Power Ampache on Telegram:

I agree with the author of this article. There should be a digital archive that preserves apps and videogames, so that we could always have the opportunity to reuse them in the future. There are so many defunct apps that I wish were still available.

(let me know if this already exists, I tried looking)

App Idea:
A GNOME KDE Itinerary alternative in GTK4 & libadwaita

In the settings, now checks for the most common conditions that prevent the app from getting data in the background.

If any of the conditions is found, the indicates them.

Tapping on each brings up a dialog that guides the user how to solve the issue.

USA Kooperation zwischen Pokmon und dem Empire State Building zum Pokmon Day angekndigt

Das Empire State Building wird bald in bunten Farben leuchten.

Zur News:


Data-hungry dating apps ranked from top to bottom

Kick Off Eine gemeinsame Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie fr die GDCh
Dieses Ziel hat der amtierende GDCh-Vorstand fr seine aktuelle Amtszeit beschlossen. Denn whrend bereits an vielen Stellen der GDCh Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte bercksichtigt werden, so fehlte es bisher doch an einer gemeinsamen, zielgerichteten Strategie. Zu diesem Zweck bestellte der Vorstand eine Nachhaltigkeitsst

: yEd - Graph Editor Pour faire des diagrammes et des mindmap via une application trs complte et gratuite et SURTOUT qui rorganise tout automatiquement.

Whether you need a sleek design, seamless programming, or efficient development, we've got you covered. to us and let's create something extraordinary together.

WhatsApp To Soon Sync Locked Chats Across Linked Devices

The weighs more than 600MB! What is it supposed to be...

banku way ponad 600MB! Co to ma by


UI/UX improvements (hopefully).
Sliders were a good temporary solution for the app. BUT, smartphones are rather narrow, which meant you could only have so much granular control with the standard sliders.
I'm certain that these dial-scrollers are an improvement. Paired with vibration feedback, it's so much easier to just stare at the photo you're developing and make incremental changes.

Happy World Radio Day! Proclaimed in 2011 by the Member States of UNESCO and adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 as a UN International Day, February 13 became World Radio Day. Take a look at the selection of radio apps we have available on Accessible Android

Yes, what else and Apple has never been the nice ones or/and the good ones.

Are in Open Over Apples New Store Rules:
'an app makers are seething, comparing to the Mafia and piling pressure on lawmakers to act.

Isolate your Apps, using Work Profiles

What am I doing wrong on my phone that won't work What do I have to pay attention to this when setting it up

How environmental DNA is giving scientists a new way to understand our world


LocalSend ist eine Open-Source-App zum Teilen von Dateien und Nachrichten zwischen Gerten in der Nhe ber das lokale WLAN-Netzwerk.

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 72 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

zum Thema ein weiterer sehr informeller Beitrag in diesem . Es geht darum, weshalb dieser populrer -Server so viel an "bentigt". Ein weiterer Grund um die oben benannten 's und/oder -'n zu verlinken oder gleich eine Instanz nutzen.

YouTube embeds are bloated - do this instead

Artikel Time to rethink
Rethinking chemistry is what the GDCh wants to do in the coming years. But what does this mean in concrete terms Nachrichten aus der Chemie wanted to know and asked the presidential think tank. A discussion with Stefanie Dehnen (President-elect of the GDCh), Karsten Danielmeier (current President), and Peter R. Schreiner (former President). Rethinking Chemistry this is the mot

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Hace unos aos, no muchos, reconocer un tema

Vielleicht habe ich mit der endlich die richtige fr gefunden Test luft.

Da die offizielle unter immer regelmiger (mittlerweile tagtglich) abstrzt, war Ersatz dringend erforderlich.

Welche App nutzt Ihr fr Mastodon

Microsofts New PC Manager App Now Available For Windows 10 And 11

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Portal Kombat, includes at least 193 sites disseminating pro-Russian propaganda defending the Russian invasion of and criticising the government in Kyiv."

"One pro-Russian channel on the French mobile and desktop messaging is publishing almost continuously up to nine articles an hour."

"The European Commission, and agencies have ranked among the biggest threats to in 2024."

Do you love exoplanets If so, then I highly recommend you check out NASA's Eyes on Exoplanets application. It's a free, web-based interactive 3D visualization of all known exoplanets. There's also a solar system version of NASA's Eyes software that you could access via this link:

Here's the link to the web version of NASA's Eyes on Exoplanets:


binjr 3.16 is now available!

Most of the changes are solely under the hood for this release bug fixes and updates to dependencies.

Read the full changelog and download it at

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This version comes with overhauled home screen and new options to better customize data syncs.

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This version also launches significantly faster on .

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Exciting news! Our latest update is here, featuring a new Add Task screen that is now way easier Plus, we've changed our bullets and numbers! Get ready to boost your productivity even more!

Is there an for that shows me all available wireless networks and if is theoretically possible even if my current provider doesn't offer 5G The phone supports 5G. I want to know what alternatives I have.

Hola amigos! This week I offer some insights I've gained over the years using Duolingo. I didn't know these things starting out, and I wish I had. I'd be done with the Spanish course already! If you have any of your own tips, leave them in the comments!

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