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Distance: 7.09 km ( 4.40 miles ) Duration: 1 hour and 27 mins. Last Updated: 17 Nov 2024
A superb walk added by Emma Rinaldi it's near Dee Why, New South Wales, Australia.
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Enjoy a sensational walk along the cliff edge from Dee Why to Curl Curl. Call in at the Warringah Creative Space and then head back through the burb. Bring a picnic for a fabulous lookout over Curl Curl Beach. Add your own opinion!
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Tour Highlights
Dee Why Beach
First stop, Dee Why Beach, perfect for a dip or a bite to eat.
Dee Why Rock Pool
Of course it is more of a concrete pool than a rock pool, but that is generally what it is known as.
Distance from previous hotspot: 0.38 km ( 0.24 miles )
Long Reef
Note to self must get a better camera. This shot looked beautiful on the day. Needless to say this walk as loads of breath-taking coastal views.
Distance from previous hotspot: 0.64 km ( 0.40 miles )
Hotspot 4
Distance from previous hotspot: 0.52 km ( 0.32 miles )
Hotspot 5
Distance from previous hotspot: 0.25 km ( 0.15 miles )
Curl Curl Lagoon
Curl Curl Lagoon - at its finest when the tide is in!
Distance from previous hotspot: 1.07 km ( 0.67 miles )
Hotspot 7
Distance from previous hotspot: 0.82 km ( 0.51 miles )
Hotspot 8
Distance from previous hotspot: 1.43 km ( 0.89 miles )